
My software development projects.

KKU Learn

Web Application, 2023

KKU Learn is a web application that enables users to enroll in seminars, attempt quizzes, and obtain certificates upon passing them. It also includes a back office system for administrators to manage and monitor system resources.

Home page
Home page
Seminar detail page
Seminar detail page
Quiz page
Quiz page

ENV Reserve

Web Application, 2023

ENV Reserve is a laboratory equipment reservation web application aims to provide a platform for users to efficiently reserve and manage laboratory equipment.

Home page
Home page
Equipment page
Equipment page
Equipment detail page
Equipment detail page

Drone Learning Space

Web Application, 2023

Drone Learning Space is a web application tailored for agricultural drone enthusiasts, including drone owners and farmers interested in agricultural drone technology. It provides a digital platform for drone owners to showcase their work, services, and knowledge, while users can conveniently explore profiles of drone owners to connect and learn more about their expertise and offerings.

Home page
Home page
Thread page
Thread detail page
Course page
Course detail page

KKU PortHub

Web Application, 2023

KKU PortHub is a web application designed for students to display their projects and build portfolios. Users can browse through student projects, and students have the opportunity to showcase their work through this platform.

Home page
Home page
Project detail page
Project detail page
Profile page
Profile page

Little Good Things

Mobile Application, 2022

Little Good Things is a mobile application designed as a mood tracker. Users can log their daily experiences and are encouraged to list positive events that occurred that day. The app also provides basic statistical insights into mood trends and categories of good things, offering users a overall view of their emotional well-being.

Home page
Home page
Add entry page
Add entry page
Stats page
Stats page